ASK Miz Hennessy: Rats!

Rats in a neighborhood is an issue no one particularly likes. When they do arrive (or most likely come out of hiding), neighbors and city officials are quick to try and find someone or something to blame. Chickens, if present, are usually the first to be blamed. Dealing with rats can be part of the course when you have chickens but to link the appearance of any rat solely on the keeping of chickens is casting a very broad net of blame.

ASK the Editor: Hey Rabbit Raisin’ Folks, We Need Your Help!

I'm looking for ideas for keeping the rabbits on my “urban homestead” cool and reaching out to my friends with knowledge in medicine, agriculture, engineering, science and common sense.

ASK Miz Hennessy: Protein Requirements for Ducks

I have two male Khaki Campbells, just full grown. My local feed store doesn’t carry duck feed so have been giving them my hens...

ASK Miz Hennessy: You don’t have a bug problem, you have a duck...

... we are in process to learn more about ducks before we get any in our backyard. We are new to raising...

ASK Miz Hennessy: Khaki Campbell Ducks

Hi folks! Miz Hennessy here - your resident Chicken-in-Charge at your service to answer your questions and provide you with all sorts of...

ASK Miz Hennessy: Groundcover for Chicken Areas

We are about to get baby chicks for the first time. My 2 years old and 4 year old are so excited. We are...

ASK the Editor: “Sleepy Hen”

I have a RIR that is 18 weeks old. We have 5 total hens. We got our first eggs last week. Not sure if...

ASK Miz Hennessy: Bees, Black Soldier Fly and Vibrations

Whether you live in the city or a rural area, the most important thing to remember about honey bees is that they prefer a straight flight path.

ASK the Editor: Six months old and not laying

I have 2 new brown leghorn pullets that are six months old and appear full grown. They have not produced any eggs yet, and...

ASK the Editor: Nutri-Drench for Chicks

Would you recommend adding Nutri-Drench to my new chicks water after I get them? If so, how long do you think, and how much?

ASK Miz Hennessy: Chicken Watering Systems

We have 14 hens of varying ages. Over the past month, they have been drinking A LOT more. I have one large waterer that...

ASK Miz Hennessy: Hatching ducks in time for winter

Hi, I have been really researching and am interested in getting ducks in my brood. The only problem is I’d have to buy eggs...

ASK the Editor – Poorly Chicken

My hen (about 3 years old) seems very poorly. She is not eating and her legs seem to have gone bandy,and sometimes her wings...

ASK Miz Hennessy: Clipping Wings

I went to visit your garden with a group of people from LA Eco Village. Thank you so much for showing us around, it...

ASK Miz Hennessy: Care of Baby Ducklings

".. I was wondering if you could just point me in the right direction towards organic duck feed? I am not finding ANY sources...

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